Нийслэлийн Монгол Улсын сайд, 20 минутын хот Үндэсний хорооны дарга Р.Эрдэнэбүрэн, Хот байгуулалт барилга орон сууцжуулалтын сайд Ж.Батсуурь, Засаг дарга бөгөөд Улаанбаатар хотын Захирагч Х.Нямбаатар болон Нийслэлийн Засаг даргын нэгдүгээр орлогч Б.Даваадалай, Улаанбаатар хотын ерөнхий архитекстор Ч.Төгсдэлгэр нар Бүгд Найрамдах Турк Улсын "Эскихисар" корпорацийн Төлөөлөн удирдах зөвлөлийн гишүүн Эмин Хисаржиклиолу, Билкент холдингийн Стратеги, бизнес хөгжлийн захирал Ведат Көсэ нарыг Улаанбаатар хотноо хүлээн авч албан уулзалт зохион байгууллаа.

Талууд Улаанбаатар хотод хэрэгжиж байгаа, цаашид хэрэгжиж мега төслүүдийн талаар хамтран ажиллах хүрээ, боломжийн талаар санал солилцсон юм.

Монгол Улсын Засгийн газар 2025 оныг “Нийслэлийн дэд бүтцийн хөгжлийг дэмжих жил” болгон зарлаж, нийслэлийн агаар, орчны бохирдол, авто замын түгжрэл, иргэдийн амьдралын чанарыг дээшлүүлэхэд чиглэсэн хөгжлийн томоохон төслүүдийг эрчимжүүлж байгаа энэ цаг үед томоохон төслүүдэд шаардлагатай хөрөнгө оруулалтыг татахаар 20 минутын хот Үндэсний хороо болон Нийслэлийн Засаг даргын тамгын газар ажиллаж байна.


(2) Сэтгэгдэл

Анхаар! Та сэтгэгдэл бичихдээ хууль зүйн болон ёс суртахууныг баримтална уу. Ёс бус сэтгэгдлийг админ устгах эрхтэй. Мэдээний сэтгэгдэлд хариуцлага хүлээхгүй.

Wendy Taylor[]

My name is Wendy Taylor, I'm from Los Angeles, i want to announce to you Viewer how Capital Crypto Recover help me to restore my Lost Bitcoin, I invested with a Crypto broker without proper research to know what I was hoarding my hard-earned money into scammers, i lost access to my crypto wallet or had your funds stolen? Don’t worry Capital Crypto Recover is here to help you recover your cryptocurrency with cutting-edge technical expertise, With years of experience in the crypto world, Capital Crypto Recover employs the best latest tools and ethical hacking techniques to help you recover lost assets, unlock hacked accounts, Whether it’s a forgotten password, Capital Crypto Recover has the expertise to help you get your crypto back. a security company service that has a 100% success rate in the recovery of crypto assets, i lost wallet and hacked accounts. I provided them the information they requested and they began their investigation. To my surprise, Capital Crypto Recover was able to trace and recover my crypto assets successfully within 24hours. Thank you for your service in helping me recover my $647,734 worth of crypto funds and I highly recommend their recovery services, they are reliable and a trusted company to any individuals looking to recover lost money. Contact email Capitalcryptorecover@zohomail.com OR Telegram @Capitalcryptorecover Call/Text Number +1 (336)390-6684 his contact: Recovercapital@cyberservices.com His website: https://recovercapital.wixsite.com/capital-crypto-rec-1

2025-03-21 23:59:11 0 0 Хариулах

Wendy Taylor[]

My name is Wendy Taylor, I'm from Los Angeles, i want to announce to you Viewer how Capital Crypto Recover help me to restore my Lost Bitcoin, I invested with a Crypto broker without proper research to know what I was hoarding my hard-earned money into scammers, i lost access to my crypto wallet or had your funds stolen? Don’t worry Capital Crypto Recover is here to help you recover your cryptocurrency with cutting-edge technical expertise, With years of experience in the crypto world, Capital Crypto Recover employs the best latest tools and ethical hacking techniques to help you recover lost assets, unlock hacked accounts, Whether it’s a forgotten password, Capital Crypto Recover has the expertise to help you get your crypto back. a security company service that has a 100% success rate in the recovery of crypto assets, i lost wallet and hacked accounts. I provided them the information they requested and they began their investigation. To my surprise, Capital Crypto Recover was able to trace and recover my crypto assets successfully within 24hours. Thank you for your service in helping me recover my $647,734 worth of crypto funds and I highly recommend their recovery services, they are reliable and a trusted company to any individuals looking to recover lost money. Contact email Capitalcryptorecover@zohomail.com OR Telegram @Capitalcryptorecover Call/Text Number +1 (336)390-6684 his contact: Recovercapital@cyberservices.com His website: https://recovercapital.wixsite.com/capital-crypto-rec-1

2025-03-21 23:57:50 0 0 Хариулах
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